Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 22

Science: Electricity test is Thursday, March 25! Today we worked on the test review which is due on Wednesday. Students were given a sheet of 43 questions that must be completed on a separate piece of paper with complete sentences or problem solving boxes. The questions are from the following sections of the book:
Pg. 315- Vocabulary #1-15, Reviewing Concepts - #11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 & 28 & Solving problems - #2, 3, 7, 8, 10 & 11.
Pg. 336 - Reviewing Concepts # 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 13, & 15
Pg. 356 - Vocabulary #1-7

Geometry: 9.7 notes (dilations). 9.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 9 "Quest" Wednesday, March 24.

Course 3: Austin & Baker- We worked on our restaurant project, Am I a good tipper? No homework.

Algebra: We started 8.5 and students must go over their notes tonight. We will finish 8.5 tomorrow and students will have 8.5 homework

Algebra 2: Chapter 9 Test tomorrow.

Pre Algebra: Projects are due tomorrow. Today we are going to go over the scale drawing section 6.5 and students have homework.

LA - Continued with the "Outsiders." Tests and quizzes were reviewed and returned. The class continued to read and discuss Science Fiction. HW - none.

Journalism - class did not meet due to the assembly. HW - none.

Social Studies: Students checked 13.2 guided reading and read 13.3 aloud in class. Homework is to complete 13.3 section assessment.

Spanish 1: Our chapter test is going to be on Wednesday because of the assemblies and trips of the last few days. For tomorrow, please do the chapter review on pages 140-141. Please do the first half of the questions for each section of the review.

Spanish 8: Please finish the questions about the chapter of Enrique y MarĂ­a, chapter 1.