Tomorrow is "Who's Your Tiger" day, to kick off the World Series students should wear Tiger "wear" for Spirit Points. Mr. Yowchuang even gave permission for baseball hats, as long as they are Detroit Tigers related.
Geometry: Went over the 3.4 homework and 3.5 notes (writing equations of lines). Homework is the 3.5 worksheet, 3.1-3.4 quiz is tomorrow.
Science: Morning classes worked on the review, it is due tomorrow. Afternoon classes played jeopardy. Their review is also due tomorrow.
ELA - Students were given the hour to read, find vocabulary words and definitions, take AR quizzes, catch up on late work before Parent Teacher Conferences. Students should still be writing in their journals nightly, the journals are due on Monday, October 29th with a minimum of 40 journal entries. This will go in as a Summative Assessment (or a test grade) as we have been working on these at home and in school all marking period...I see it as an easy "A." Homework: READ! Definitions and page # for vocabulary #6, Journal entry #36
Physical Education: Click here for a copy of October's P.E. homework.
Humanities: Students discussed the debate, finished daily writing and completed atlas work in class. Homework is to complete daily writing and atlas work if it was not finished in class. Current events are due Wednesday.
Spanish I: Ex 4 pg 55 and ex 6 pg 57. Due Monday.
Course 3: Today we made flash cards to learn all of our properties. We started lesson 2.8. Homework-1st and 2nd hr.-worksheet 2.8, 1 - 12. 3rd through 5th- no homework.