Science: Tests were returned and we took a daily science quiz. This week we begin Unit #5, Waves & Sound. Did an jigsaw notetaking activity. All "What is Safe?" project corrections must be turned in before break!
Geometry: Went over the 10.5 & 10.6 homework assignments and reviewed the 10.6 notes from Friday. 10.7 notes (equations of circles) were completed in class, 10.6 worksheet ODDS is homework. Chapter 10 test Thursday!
Pre-Algebra: We continued to work on scale. We finished lesson 6.6. Homework-worksheet 6.6, # 1 - 21, 25.
Spanish I students: If you were not in class yesterday because of March Miracles, you need to check my blog to see what exercises were assigned. You also need to come to me before this Thursday to turn in the exercises that were due. Spanish I students who were in class, if you did not turn in your exercises that were due, I am entering a 0 as your grade until the work is turned in.
Social Studies: Students shared paragraphs from 13.1, were introduced to 13.2 and began work on 13.2 guided reading in class. Homework is to complete 13.2 guided reading. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Algebra: Quiz on Wednesday, it covers sections 9.1 and 9.2 (adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials)
LA - Student's reviewed the short story read on Friday, "Bishop's Silver", by Victor Hugo. We went over the conflict, setting, protagonist and theme. We then starting reading "The New Kid", by Murray Heyert and will finish it up tomorrow. HW - no homework unless your child did not take their A.R. quiz on "The Outsiders." This quiz MUST be taken by 3/31 which is the end of the term.
FYI - Lois Lowry, author of "The Giver" and "Number the Stars" is promoting 2 new books she has written and will be at BHS this Friday April 1st from 530p-730p. If you need more information call the Book Beat in Oak Park.
Technology - Students entered their schedules for next year at the High School and then continued working on their Family Budget. Investigate is due April 14th; completed spreadsheet, print evidence for all expenses and income, bibliography citing all sources of print evidence. We will then have 1/4 of our Design Folder completed, the next step will be the "Plan" section that will be a rough draft and a short essay explaining the proposed final product.