Geometry: Took a quiz on Pythagorean theorem and special right triangles. No homework!
Spanish (Tomlinson): Flashcards due: TOMORROW. Practice due: Monday ( #'s 3,4,5,7-pp. 32-34; write in complete sentences in Spanish).
ELA - We will be starting our Science Fiction Unit next week so all students need to be done at least two books by the end of this week. We will be reading and taking AR quizzes all this week. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #20.
C.Reading: Logs due Monday.
R.Room Math: Packets due next Friday.
Spanish II: The three review sheets are all due Mon, Oct 14th. I am moving the test day
to the 14th because we have MEAP on Tuesday. Your homework until then, is to
work on these worksheets. answers will be posted on my blog
( The answers will be on my blog by tonight. Look at
the unit 3 worksheet tonight and put stars by the parts you don't know.
French I: Study your new words: the blue words on page 45 and make flashcards for
them. You will have a quiz on these words on Monday.
Pre-Algebra: Today we took the Unit 1 Assessment. Students that did not finish will have
more time tomorrow.
Humanities: Students checked 4.2 guided reading and were introduced to 4.3 in
class. Homework is to complete 4.3 guided questions.
Sign-up link to NIS Chinese Club:
Algebra: Homework: worksheet 3.3/6.3 (attached)
Algebra: Homework: worksheet 3.3/6.3 (attached)