Science: 1st & 5th hours did Investigation 10B (Energy Flow in a System). Quiz corrections are are tomorrow for all classes. Upcoming Important Dates: Jan. 20/21 Roller coaster lab due; Jan 26 Unit 3 Test; Feb. 1 Midterm Exam.
Pre-Algebra: We finished lesson 4.4. Homework-worksheet 4.4, #13 - 18, 22,24.
LA - Today is C day so I only met with one 8th grade class (3rd hour). Students read the science fiction story "Running Brook of Horrors" on their own and answered questions regarding the scientific elements of the story. We discussed the story once they were done. HW - To make sure they have read Chapters 1-5 in The Giver. Due Wednesday.
Social Studies: Students shared current events and participated in a geography challenge during class. 8.3 guided reading and homework folders due tomorrow. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
Algebra: We "interpolated" today! Ask your son or daughter about it! Homework: worksheet 5.7