Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23

Science: Finished watching the documentary "Tapped".

Geometry: Went over the 11.2 homework and took notes on 11.3. Homework is the 11.3 worksheet. Quiz on chapter 11 will be Friday.

Humanities: Students continued to present projects in class today. Folders are due tomorrow. 15.1 section assessment is due tomorrow.

Tech 8 (Stein): Family Budget Research

Spanish I: Study for 3.1 test on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

ELA - Students wrote a reflection on their Persuasive Essay.  This "on demand writing" was to reflect the student's thoughts on the project, what they felt they did well, and not so well.  The students also commented on what they learned during this project and what IB traits they used or expanded during the process.  I informed the students that this was to be more than a sentence or two, this was to be a mini-essay, to explain each item to me in detail, as if I had no idea what the project was.  This was attached to the Final Packet and the packet was turned in. Students then graded Grammar 5.4-5.5 (handed out yesterday).  They then began their 5.6-5.7 packet, due tomorrow. AR quiz reports will be printed on Friday.  I have emphasized that students should be reading at least one book every two weeks in order to stay on track.  Although all AR quizzes are not due until June 3rd, I will be entering zeros for the first AR quiz if they have not taken one by Friday.  Students need to see what procrastination will do to their grades.  Please understand that there will be no late point deduction for AR quizzes...if they are done by June 3rd they are entered...after that there will be no late AR submissions for 4th Marking Period. Homework: Grammar 5.6-5.7, READ, and Journal Entery #17

Pre-Algebra: I got a phone call just before class started that my son was throwing up at 5th grade camp.  I had to leave to pick him up.  Students were given a review packet that covers percent problems in various forms.  I will be out tomorrow, too, so they can continue working on the packet tomorrow.

Algebra: I got a phone call just before school started that my son was throwing up at 5th grade camp.  I had to leave to pick him up. The plans were thrown together for the guest teacher to give notes and have students try the homework.  I understand if we are going to need another day to go over it.  I will be out tomorrow, too, so the test scheduled for Friday will be postponed.

Course 3: Today we talked about triangles and how we classify them.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, # 1 -13. 2nd hour homework is worksheet 8.1, # 1 - 16.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their family budget projects. Homework: Family Budget presentations will begin on Friday. Discussion topics: How many outstanding items do you need to complete for your project?

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