Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7

Science: Watched "The Eyes of Nye: Nucelear Energy" and went over energy packets. No homework.

Geometry: Worked on midterm "cheat sheets" that can be used on the test. We will go over the review tomorrow. Midterm is Friday, January 11.

Pre-Algebra: We worked on section 5.2 today (adding and subtraction fractions).  Homework: 5. worksheet (evens).  We are looking at having a quiz this Friday covering sections 5.1-5.3.
Algebra: Reminder that PSW #5 is due tomorrow.  We had some time in class to work on it and we continued our work with finding equations of lines parallel or perpendicular to each other.  Homework:  PSW #5 and Worksheet 3.6 (which is really section 5.5). Upcoming important dates:
   1/8     PSW #5 due
   1/15   Chapter 5 test
   1/23-1/24    Midterm Exam

Spanish I: Ex 15, pg 113. Due tomorrow. Study for the unit test on 2.1 on Monday, Jan 18th.

Humanities: Students checked 6.4, were introduced to chapter 7, turned in homework folders, and watched a video on the American Revolution in class. Homework is to complete 7.1 section assessment. Current events are due Friday.

ELA - Students were guided in the writing of their Conclusion Paragraph for their Literary Essay. Students were given time to finish up their Rough Draft and insert their Conclusion in preparation for tomorrow's Peer Editing.  Rough Drafts should be finished and ready to go at the beginning of class to benefit from the Peer Editing time in class. We discussed the schedule for the rest of the week, with the final paper turned in on Friday along with evidence of the usage of the Design Cycle. 
Monday - Conclusions Day 10 -
Homework Rough Draft & Journal Entry
Tuesday - Peer Editing Day 11 -
Homework - Rewrite & Journal Entry
Wednesday - Formatting Day 12 -
Homework - Journal entry
Thursday - Publishing and Proofreading - COW -
Homework - Final Draft & Journal Entry
Friday - Final Packet Due (including; rough draft, Peer Edit sheet, Revision- 2nd Draft, Final Draft, and Rubric.)