Science (1st & 5th Hours): Class did a jigsaw to complete the notes on pages32, 33, 34, 46, 48 & 49 and also did an activity looking at graphs of speed using fairy tales (click here for a copy).
LA: Students learned Senyru, Tanka, Concrete and Acrostic poems. We practiced and discussed. Homework: write a Senyru, Tanka, Concrete and Acrostic poem. Make sure the A.R. novel is finished before 10/15...that is when they take their quiz.
Social Studies: Students watched CNN Student News, shared current events and began to explore the world of debate in class. No homework. Quiz on Friday. Quiz review Thursday.
Technology - Students worked on their Internet Scavenger Hunt, which is due on Thursday, October 14th.
Art 7/8: This week students will start an "IB Cube." It will include students name, brief autobiography, and 2 IB traits they already possess.
Advanced Art grade 8: Students continue working on "Flower Puns." This is a drawing completed in ebony pencil. Students are drawing their version of a selected flower.