Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5

Science: Completed investigation 2-A, comparing speeds of the car on the flat track compared to on an incline when mass is varied. No homework.

Geometry: Took the Reflection quiz. Homework is to read 9.1 and take notes.

C. Reading:  Logs due Monday.  Read each night.

R. Room Math:  Students will have a test Friday and their homework packet is also due on Friday.  If my students can do the homework, they will be fine on the test.  I am happy to look at the homework prior to Friday.

Humanities: Students reviewed 6.1 and began to work on 6.2 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 6.2 section assessment and a current event for tomorrow.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Friday-vocab quiz. HW-family sheet (attached)

Chinese: Learn to write Lesson 3 Text 2's characters. WB: p. 16-17. Class work/ homework: write each character 3 times by steps.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed the assessment for Chapter 2. HW: remember to bring your completed review sheet tomorrow

Course 3: Today we are dividing fractions and mixed numbers.  Homework is worksheet 5.4, #1-16.  Quiz Thursday.

Algebra:  Functions, Domain and Range.  Homework: ISN Function Sort

Spanish 2The worksheet handed out today is due next Wednesday. Study you vocab on pag 241 and the study guide passed out today for a chapter test next Wednesday

French 1: The listening part of the test will be tomorrow 

8th grade P.E. Question:   Describe three ways how your team effectively communicated during flag football games.  Give at least two challenges your team faced when trying to communicate during flag football games.  Were you able to overcome these challenges? If so, how? If not, why? What can you do to become a better communicator? Essays should be informative, neat, typed and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Monday, November 11.

Creative Writing: Today in creative writing we practiced different forms of pronouns and discussed the future Prezi project. Presented Reader's Workshop Lesson 4. In tonight's reading, pay attention to who holds the source of power in your novel.  Homework: Read 

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Students worked in the lab. Those with signed permission slips created Avatars on Voki.com/classroom, and wrote dialogues for their Avatars to say. Those without signed permission slips logged onto Quizlet.com to practice the vocabulary words for Chapter 1.2. There is a vocabulary QUIZ on Friday, November 8.  HOMEWORK: Study Vocabulary words for Friday's QUIZ.