Science: Investigation 13B- Resistance and Ohm's Law. Click here for some practice calculating ohm's law! We will have a quiz on the electicity unit on Thursday. Any student that is absent will take the quiz after we return from break.
Technology - Moodle Module 2 - "Matching Occupations to Personality Type". The class watched a video on Personality Types and how they match up to different occupations, the students took notes on a grid called "Hollands Personality Types (Save as M2T3). Next Students took a Questionnaire "What Personality Type Are You" (Save as M2T4). Finally students filled in a chart called "Personality Types and Related Occupations", (save as M2T5) this is the document that is to be turned in when all three steps have been completed. We will be continuing our exploration of our personality types and what path we should be looking at tomorrow.
Advanced Art grade 8: I will be modeling today with props for the final charcoal figure drawing.
Art 7/8: 5th hr meets only today. They will be adding gloss mod podge to their Picasso clay pieces. Afterwards, students will begin Project S.N.A.P community service drawing. We have been asked by Project S.N.A.P to participate again this year! This years theme is "We Listen. We Care. We Help." Students art piece will be digitally scanned and added to a permanent mosaic which will be displayed in one of the Common Ground facilities! 2nd and 4th hrs. will also be participating in this project.
Algebra: 5th hour only. More review. We are working on making a "crib sheet" for the chapter. We are condensing the material for the chapter down to fit on 1 piece of paper. We can use this to study for this chapter. Then, I am going to collect them and save them for June, when we start to study for the final exam. Click here for more test review practice.
Pre-Algebra: We went over multiplying fractions. Homework-practice quiz. Quiz on lessons 5.1 - 5.4 Thursday.
Social Studies: Students shared current events and were introduced to westward expansion. 11.1 guided reading due Wednesday.
LA - students worked on mini lesson #5 - "Developing Provocative Ideas, What is this story REALLY about?" They also presented their projects. I only met with 3rd hour today. HW - none