Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31

Science: Took notes on Newton's 1st Law of Motion, 1st hour labs were returned and we discussed lab corrections. Lab corrections for all classes are due on Monday.

Geometry: Continued working on reflections, the reflection practice is homework. Reflection quiz is on Tuesday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs due on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Packets/test next Friday.  Study X facts daily!

Humanities: Students worked on Chapter 6 storyboards in class. No homework.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Any work from 1.2 due tomorrow. Flashcards for 1.2 due Monday. Happy Halloween and Día de los muertos

Spanish 2: only homework is studying vocab on pg 241

French I: Homework is begin studying new words on pg 73: the purple words

ELA - For Day 3 of our Literary Analysis Writer's Workshop, students worked on finding evidence to support their theories. We explored different ways of using evidence, rather than always quoting.  Band students missed the last few periods and I will not see them tomorrow on the 1/2 day.  Please have them work on this assignment over the weekend.  Happy Halloween!

Course 3: No homework tonight!!  

Algebra:  Happy Halloween!  We took our Chapter Test today.  Hopefully, it wasn't too scary!!

Pre-Algebra: More multi-step equation solving practice. HW: none Chapter 2 Test Tuesday, November 5th