Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dixon Language and Literature, 10/27/15

Classwork: Survive Writing Challenge
Homework: One page free write

Ramin - ELA

Round 1 of Survive Writing Challenge - first round winners will be announced in class tomorrow!

READ (avg/30 minutes a night)

Important Dates
M 11/2: Notebook check
W 11/4 All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due

Geometry- Tuesday, October 27

Classwork: Completed translations

Homework: Translations Handout, practice constructions for tomorrow's quiz.

Discussion Starters: If students are struggling with constructions did they come get help at lunch today? Here is a video demonstrating theis construction, students can make their own to practice:


Science- Tuesday, October 27

Classwork: Collected data for "How Fast Am I?" lab.

Homework: Calculate speed & averages if necessary. Make motion diagrams based on your data.

Discussion Starters: Did students have fairly constant speed or were they accelerating?

Canvasser 10.27.15 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading five days a week for at least 20 minutes and then filling out the log.
Parents need to sign all five days!

RR Math- Homework packets are due on/or before Friday (10.30.15)
 *Math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)*
Homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed project guides, 4.3 guided notes and began to work on 4.4 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete 4.4 section assessment.