Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday, November 13

Science: Students took the unit 2 quiz and then began working on measuring mass and deciding how much force they will use for the "Is the Force With You?" lab. Tomorrow we will continue with data collection and begin making graphs of the data.

Geometry: Continued discussing congruence criteria, homework is the congruence handout. Quiz on 3.1-3.3 Thursday, October 20.

Humanities: Students continued to work on 4.3 guided questions in class. There was also time to work on current events in class. 4.3 guided questions and current events are due tomorrow.

Algebra: No official homework. attached are the answers to the review. Please check out for some extra practice (select High School Math, Michigan, and our book is Algebra 2007). Try the section quizzes from chapter 4.

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: I checked for completion of last night's homework, and also for materials (textbook, binder, pencil). We talked about similarities between European languages and how they relate to one another, and worked on Calendar puzzles. Finish by Monday, if it wasn't finished in class.  We meet in the PYP lab tomorrow for more Country Study research. Students should bring their Country Study papers if they started one. If they didn't, there will be more available in the lab. Students may bring ear buds to listen to music while working on their Country Study research papers. 

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 17
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math homework due November 17
TEST: November 17

ELA - Students reviewed different organizational formats and started creating an outline for their paper. From the outline the student should be able to decide n the organizational style that best supports their argument. Outlines are due tomorrow. Homework: Journal #2.12 and Read!

Chinese: Test tomorrow. Details please check the class blog.

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished notes on 3.1, writing and solving two-step equations. The homework is 3.1, 2 - 20 even. The notes and homework are available at

8th grade P.E. Homework:
 Answer the following questions in essay form
·       Now that the weather is turning colder, how are you fitting in daily exercise?  Describe the activities you are doing and how often.
·       What activities influence you to be inactive?
·       What other kinds of healthy lifestyle choices do you incorporate into your daily routine
Ø Essays should be informative.
Ø 1-2 pages in length and in final draft form.
Ø A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write.  Must be legible.
Ø Double check your spelling.

Papers are due on or before Monday, November 17You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.