Geometry: Finished discussing triangle sum theorem. Homework is to complete the triangle sum theorem practice.
RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 8
parents must sign reading logs
RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8
ELA - Day 2 of Reader's Workshop Informational Text - Students viewed a video on Informational text and the way author's use point of view to sway their audiences. We talked about the article we read yesterday and how that author used the images and his or her words to create a bias in the article. Homework: READ!
Spanish: WHAT WE DID THIS WEEK: We participated in communicative activities- asking and answering scripted questions with our classmates.
We learned about-
Prepositions of Location
- p. 60, Exercises 1 & 2
- p. 62, Ex. 1 & 2
- p. 65, Ex. 1 & 2
We will spend time reviewing all we've learned in preparation for the tests beginning on Thursday (the chapter test will be divided into sections for testing)
Chinese: Please read the story to your parents or any members in your household and ask them to sign on the last page of the story. Test is scheduled on Dec 12, Friday and it covers Mini Story 1.3 & 1.4
Humanities: Students reviewed 5.4 and shared current events in class. No homework.
Algebra: Homework: Problem Solving Workshop (copies posted on the blog yesterday) is due on Monday and wkst 5.5 (evens only)
Science: Went over the review for Monday's test, below is a video of the answers shared by 6th hour.