Geometry: Took the Unit 3 (triangle congruence) test.
Humanities: Students worked on Constitution projects and 5.4 section assessment in class today. Project presentations will be tomorrow. Homework is to complete 5.4 section assessment and a current event for Friday.
RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 1
parents must sign reading logs
RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8
ELA- Students published their Literary Analysis, read, took AR quizzes. Literary Analysis papers due in final published form today by the end of class.Tomorrow we will start a Reader's Workshop on Informational/Non-fiction reading. This Reader's Workshop will lead into our cross curricular project with Science on alternative energy sources. Homework: Journal #2.29 & Read (students should have at least half of their points read and quizzed for the marking period)
Algebra: We took a short quiz on sections 5.1 and 5.2 (scores are posted on Family Access), I assigned a Problem Solving Workshop (the workshop and answer sheet are attached). It is due on Monday. Bring clarifying questions tomorrow.