Choir Concert Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the BHS Auditorium. It will last approximately 30 - 40 minutes and is free and open to the public. This concert features the 6, 7, and 8th grade choirs.
Science: Today was the last in class work day for the "I-Search Instruments" research project. Peer review is Tuesday, May 4 & papers are due Thursday, May 6. Please see previous posts for rubrics and directions on this paper. We will begin our final unit on Light & The Electromagnet Spectrum this week.
Geometry: Began the 11.6 notes but did not finish. 11.6 worksheet #1-10 for homework. Chapter 11 test Friday.
Algebra 2: Pg. 870-872 #4, 11, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 36, 38.
Algebra: No homework. Started 10.3.
Pre Algebra: Checked our menu worksheets and went over sales tax and tip.
Course 3: We checked 11.2 and did practice problems. No homework.
Social Studies: Students reviewed 15.3 and were introduced to 15.4 in class. Homework is to complete 15.4 guided notes. Current events due Wednesday.
LA - students spent the first 10-15 minutes of class writing a paragraph on one of the themes from their short stories. It was collected for credit and assessment. Students discussed commas, colons, semicolons, and apostrophes - the grammar packet is due Wednesday 5/5. Tell-Tale Heart, vocabulary is due on Tuesday 5/4 for credit. acute, vehemently, profound, hypocritical, marrow, suavity, audacity, sagacity, fluently, stealthily. HW - vocabulary due tomorrow 5/4 and the grammar packet is due Wednesday 5/5.
Journalism: Student's will be watching videos on Mexico's history and Cinco de Mayo. They will be taking notes and will do a follow up article on what they observed. They will also be asked to research the Battle of Pueblo. HW - none