Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4

Science: 1st & 3rd hours got their tests back and went over the tests. 5th-7th hour took notes on Newton's 1st law and acceleration. The acceleration worksheet is homework.

Geometry: Finished practicing reflections, reflection quiz is tomorrow. 

8th grade P.E. Question:   Describe three ways how your team effectively communicated during flag football games.  Give at least two challenges your team faced when trying to communicate during flag football games.  Were you able to overcome these challenges? If so, how? If not, why? What can you do to become a better communicator? Essays should be informative, neat, typed and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Monday, November 11.

R. Room Math:  Test Friday and homework due.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due today.  New log will be passed out and due next Monday.  If you forgot your log today, make sure you get it to me by tomorrow please for late points.

Humanities: Finish 6.1 worksheet if it was not finished in class. Current events are due this Wednesday.

Chinese: We are working on giving everyone in class a Chinese name, and the class work is listing  Chinese names of all classmates.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No HW (flashcards due today!!) Friday-vocab quiz. el 22 de noviembre-- 1.2 exámen

Algebra:  2nd hour: no homework  4th-7th: complete notes on functions

Course 3: Homework is all of worksheet 5.3.

ELA- Students identified reasons to support their claim for Literary Analysis Writer's Workshop.  Journals were handed back and the newest Teaching Point (Day 4) was written in as the first journal entry for the second marking period.  Homework: READ (remember another 5 novels should be read for 2nd marking period) Journal #2

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, students will receive Vocabulary Lists for Chapter 1.2. We will also discuss gender agreement in the Spanish language. Students will receive a permission slip for the Voki Website.  HOMEWORK: Vocabulary cards should be completed for the new vocabulary list. Vocab Quiz on Friday, Nov. 8. Students must return the Voki permission slip in order to participate in tomorrow's lab. Voki is a website where students can create their own Spanish speaking avatar. Students will not want to miss this lab, therefore, please be certain that your child returns the signed permission slip. (Please see attached for extra slips) Students without signed permission slips will work with new vocabulary words in 

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 2 test tomorrow! Review notes, ISN, and homework assignments . HW: study and complete Chapter 2 review page