Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29 (F-Day)

The 8th grade would like to welcome Miss Reed, Mrs. Petersen's student teacher, for the next 5 weeks. Miss Reed is finishing her certification through Ferris State University with concentrations in applied physics and mathematics.

Geometry: Took the chapter 4 test. Homework is 5.1 activity on page 294.

Science (4th & 6th Hour): Played Jeapardy review and started the practice test review. We will continue working on the review tomorrow and will go over it in class on Wednesday. The unit 2 test is Friday, December 3. "Is the Force with you lab?" is due on Wednesday, December 1.

Algebra: 2nd and 4th hour were assigned homework for section 4.2 All classes.... there will be a quiz on Friday covering sections 4.1 to 4.3

LA - Grammar - Combining to Imitate. Students took notes and discussed "elements of plot," major and minor characters. We used The Pigman story as our model. HW - students must plot out their fiction novel using the elements of plot and tell who the major and minor characters are. They must also finish up their fiction novels since they will be taking their A.R. quiz on Wed. 12/1.

Social Studies: Students shared current events and finished taking notes on a video about the American Revolution in class. No homework. Protest projects due Wednesday. Homework folders due Wednesday.

Art 7/8 : 2nd hr. turned in their Pablo Picasso inspired scratch art today. They will be starting Caring/Sharing Holiday cards tomorrow. 4th and 5th hr. will continue working on the scratch art.

Advanced Art grade 8: We did not meet today due to it being "F" day. Tomorrow we will continue working on the fruit bowl still life. I will demonstrate chalk pastel techniques.