Geometry: Continued our exploration of central and inscribed angles. The Central & Inscribed angles worksheet is homework.
Algebra- Attached are the completed notes from 8.5 and the homework for tonight
C. Reading: Logs are due today. If you did not turn in your log, you can tomorrow for late points, which is better than a zero! Your new log was passed out today and will be due on Monday, 3-17-14. Remember, you can use your book that you are reading for your English class.
R. Room Math: You have a test this Friday. Take your math books home and study! Also, your homework packet will be due Friday as well, 3-14-14. If you turn in your math packet a day early, I will check it so you can take it home to study with correct answers! Always remember, you can ask me questions during lunch or LRC.
Chinese: We are going to discuss the unit test, and make correction
on a separate sheet of paper. Correction is due tomorrow.
Spanish 1: No new homework due Tuesday. Due Today--Ex. 2,3,7--pp. 150-152. 2.3 flash cards due Wed. 2.3 vocabulary quiz -- Friday
Spanish II: finish conjugating gustar, encantar and doler and labeling the body
French I: Study for the chapter 5 test tomorrow. All flash cards for pg 167 are due
Humanities: Students were introduced to chapter 13 in class today. No homework.
Course 3: Today we talked about using the percent proportion. Homework is worksheet
7.3, odds.
Pre-Algebra: Today we began a new unit and started discussing rates, ratios and
proportions. Students completed a foldable for their ISN. HW: 6.1 (odds)
ELA - Students began Grammar Chapter 6: Prepositions. We worked on GR 6.1
"What is a Preposition?" Then students were given time to complete their work
with me and read. Homework: READ! Journal #31
Technology - We finished touch typing tests, everyone did better! It is
working! We then began our final project - The Family Budget. Students
participated in the lotter of life, where they were given how many girl and boy
children they have, what city they work in, and whether they are married or
divorced. Students were then given time to find their occupation in Career
Cruising (only 4 years of college entry level wages, no professional athletes or
famous actors/actresses). The time line for this project is:
Investigate (research gathering amounts) Should be done by Thurs 3-13 or
Friday 3-14.
Plan (Rough draft of presentation) Should be done by Tuesday
Create (final draft publishing) Should be done by Friday
Evaluate (reflection on project) Done a day after
presentation of project.
All evidence of each step in the process should be kept in a folder and
prior to handing in the Design Folder students should organize evidence in
sections chronologically.