Science: Went over Newton's 2nd Law homework and organized binders. Took notes on gravity and free fall (click here for the notes). Unit 2 quiz tomorrow!
Geometry: Went over the 4.1 homework and took notes on 4.2 (proving triangles congruent). 4.2 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 quiz Tuesday, November 16.
Algebra: Test on Sections 6.5-6.6 this week. 2nd and 4th hour classes will test on Friday, 5th hour class will test on Thursday. They are doing a great job! Students are welcome to come see me at lunch or before school for help. Click here for a copy of the review.
Pre-Algebra: We took notes on the first lesson of chapter 3. Homework-worksheet 3.1, # 1-22.
Social Studies: Students reviewed 5.2 and 5.3 and began working on chapter 5 assessment in class. Students will have an opportunity to finish chapter 5 assessment in class tomorrow and it is due Friday. Folders and chapter 5 quiz on Friday. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
LA - We discussed the novel Iqbal, for the first part of the hour. For the second half of the class period students peer edited each others papers. I passed out a editing sheet for them to follow to help with their revisions. Rough drafts were due today, it was a homework assignment. HW - Finish their persuasive essays. The final draft is due this Friday. The Iqbal novel MUST be completed for tomorrow's activity. **Attached is the editing sheet that we used in class **