Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday, December 4

Science: Today we peer-reviewed the "Is the Force With you Lab". Labs are due on Monday, see post for Nov. 30 for rubric. Unit 2 test Friday, December 11.

Geometry: 5.4 worksheet is homework. 5.1-5.4 quiz on Tuesday, December 8.

Algebra: Today we finished 4.6 in class. Students have 4.6 Homework: Pg. 256 #1, 2, 4-10 even, 12-44 every other even. Students were also introduced to the Barbie Bungee activity (please see attached sheet). We are going to start this project on Monday. Students - as of right now, I do not have enough Barbies to complete this project. Please make sure you bring in your own dolls on Monday! Thanks!

Algebra 2: No homework. Took Chapter 5 Test.

Course 3: Baker Finished reviewing for quiz. Quiz on 5.1-5.5 moved to Monday! Austin- Students took a quiz on lessons 5.1 - 5.4. No homework.

Pre Algebra: Today we worked on moving from athrimatic to algebraic thought processes. Students worked in small groups to answer questions. No Homework.

Social Studies: Students shared notes on 7.2 and read 7.3 aloud in class. Homework for the weekend is to complete a six panel story board that details events from 7.1-7.3 in chronological order. Each panel must have a picture and caption explaining the illustration. Homework folders are due Tuesday.

LA - finished reading the "Pigman" through Ch. 4 - Students turned in their final papers. HW - define and write a sentence for the "Pigman" vocabulary words. Epic, excruciatingly, philanthropy, avocation, subliminally, prevarications, incandescent, compulsive, commemorative and paranoia.

Journalism - Speaker Al Taubman. I also collected their rough drafts. HW - none.

Career Tech - Investigate for Family Budget Project is due to be checked in by Thursday, December 10th.