Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9 (B-Day)

Science: Students worked on the research component of the "What is Safe" project. We also had mini-meetings to discuss students' plans for the project. Circuit building should begin as soon as possible! Click here for project planner and rubric.
March 14 - Initial Circuit Built

March 14-21 Work on Perfecting Circuit and Project Write Up
March 21- Testing & Revisions of Alarm complete
March 21- Class Presentation & Write-Up Due

Geometry: 9.3 Notes (Reflections). 9.3 worksheet is homework. Chapter 9 "Quest" on Wednesday, March 16.

Art 7/8: Students will begin the colored pencil portion of their "Round Robin Picasso."

Advanced Art grade 8: Students will begin the "Cubist Chair Collage Painting" today. They will be begin by drawing 5 different chairs in the classroom.

Social Studies: Students presented projects in class today. No homework. Current events due "C" and "F" days.

LA - Students went down to the media center to watch a short video on what will be available for the book fair next week. We came back to class and discussed Ch.5.6.7 in the "The Outsiders." HW - none - students will begin working on their rough drafts from the writer's workshop starting on Friday.