Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Individuals and Societies

-Students worked on political cartoons in class.
-Homework is to complete the political cartoons and political cartoon analysis sheets.

Geometry- Wednesday, January 27

Classwork: Finished midterm review

Homework: Study for tomorrow's midterm!

Science- Wednesday, January 27

Classwork: Students took a Daily Science Quiz and then worked on reviewing for next week's midterm.

Homework: Review due Monday

Coming soon: Midterm is Wednesday, February 3

Wednesday 1/27

RR ELA:  Logs are due Monday 2/1.  Parent(s) need to sign before you turn in your log.

RR Math:  Test Thursday- Study!!  Homework packets are also due Thursday.  Blue group needs to finish day 4 workbook pages if they did not in class.