Science: Amusement Park Physics with a NASA twist! Eye packets were due today.
Geometry: 12.4 notes (volume of prisms & cylinders). 12.4 worksheet is homework. 12.1-12.4 quiz on Wednesday.
Course 3- Austin Quiz review. Quiz Tuesday.
LA - Continued with Historical Fiction Unit. Students received Civil War notes to assist them with their novels and in Social Studies. Student's worked on their Legacy Day reflection piece, "I Believe....." Comma quiz was passed back and those that received anything below a 70% may retake the quiz on Monday at lunch. The two grades will be averaged together. HW - S.H. read Ch 4 and 5. WEDOB read Ch 5
Journalism - students are to complete their final articles on "Cinco De Mayo". Due at the end of the hour today for credit. HW - none
Career Tech - Investigate was checked and commented on. Students are now to move on to the Plan stage of the Design Cycle. Plan entails a rough draft...yes....with pen or pencil and paper (I know how 10 years ago). Students should be keeping up with their Process Journal.
Integrated Tech - Finishing up Gears
Spanish 1: Today we took part one of the 3-1 test. Part 2 will be next Friday.
Spanish 8; The kids completed their political posters agaisnt bullfighitng and we began El Libro de la Selva (The Jungle Book) in Spanish.