Science: Worked on the research section of the "How Fast Am I?" lab. 3rd hour did not meet today due to the MEAP and Fun Run, they need to complete the research on their own.
Geometry: Did not meet today due to the MEAP.
Humanities: Students discussed work from 1.2 and shared current events in class. No homework.
Spanish I: Chicago information trip: If your parents did not come to the meeting, please see SeƱora Roth to get the information you need to register for the trip. Vocabulary quiz on 1.2 (pg 69) will be on Monday, Oct 17th
Algebra 2 (Hill): No class, MEAP
Algebra (Graham): Homework: worksheet 3.2/6.3 4th hour just had to do the odds
Language Arts: With MEAP and Fun Run all morning, the afternoon classes were given time to read, take AR quizzes, and work on grammar. We watched another Ray Bradbury Science Fiction "short" - All Summer In a Day. Homework: READ - Due tomorrow - The Giver Chapters 6-10 read, journal entry, vocab words and pages. Subject & Predicate packet due. Friday - Vocabulary/The Giver quiz
Pre-Algebra: No class due to the MEAP and Fun Run.