Geometry: Went over the chapter 12 practice test. Chapter 12 review, odds, is homework (check out the awesome solution to #11, it's beautiful!). Chapter 12 test is tomorrow!
Science: Today we completed the Unit 4-Sound & Waves notes. Tomorrow we will begin reviewing for the unit test, which is Monday, May 7. I-Search papers are due on Thursday, May 3.
Pre-Algebra: We started to talk about graphing linear equations. No homework.
ELA: Students continued their grammar exploration with Lesson 3.3: Object Pronouns. We recognized pronouns used as Direct Objects, Indirect Objects, and Objects of Prepositions. The packet was due by the end of the period. Students were given time to take AR quizzes or read silently when they were done.
Tech: The 8th grade video is well underway. ALL 8TH GRADERS PLEASE SEND PICTURES AND VIDEOS TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING EMAILS: - For all sections except: - Events or pictures from this year - Events or pictures from last year
We really need pictures from Elementary at Norup and 6th grade
Humanities: Students checked 17.2 and were introduced to 17.3 in class. Homework is to complete 17.3 notes/section assessment by Thursday and a current event for Wednesday.
Algebra (Graham) We summarized how to graph and solve quadratics. Homework is to finish problems on the notes about using the discriminant.
Technology (Graham): Almost done with their websites.
Algebra (Hill): Homework pg 688 problems 7-12