Science: lab due date and test dates have changed! All classes worked on data collection for the roller coaster lab. 1st & 5th hours should have their methods sections and data tables complete for Monday. All classes will peer review on Tuesday, January 20/21. Lab is due Wednesday, January 26. Unit 3 test Monday, January 31 and the science midterm is Friday, January 4.
Geometry: Worked on the chapter 6 practice test. The chapter 6 test is tomorrow!
Social Studies: Students took chapter 8 quiz and discussed Dr. King's legacy in class today. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
LA - We recapped Chs 1-5 in "The Giver" and then discussed Chs 6-8. H.W. Read Ch 9-12 in "The Giver" due on Tuesday 1/18. Just a heads up, their will be a science fiction quiz on Feb 1st and the review will be Jan 31st.
Algebra: 2nd and 4th hours - reviewed today, test tomorrow, study!!! 5th hour - test today, no homework!