Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday, January 11

Geometry: Went over the practice test. Chapter 6 review, odds, is homework. Students should check their answers in the back of the book. Chapter 6 test is tomorrow, midterm is Thursday, January 19.

Science: Began working on the last section of notes for this unit (pg. 101-102 & 240-243). Quizzes were returned and quiz corrections were discussed, quiz corrections are due on Friday. Quiz correction sheet is attached.

Spanish I: We will be going to the lab at Avery on Friday to continue reviewing for the midterm. Remember that the midterm is next week, on Wednesday and Thursday.

Language Arts: Students Peer Edited their partners papers and are to make adjustments to their Literary Analysis if adjustments are needed. We will be in the Media Center tomorrow to publish/type out final drafts. Any students that need to finish typing on Friday will be able to do so on the COW in the classroom. Friday the Literary Analysis packet is due in this order:
- Outline
- Rough Draft
- Peer Editing Sheet
- Final Draft Typed (12 pt font, double spaced, 1" margins)

We will start our next novel unit on Tuesday: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee...I'm so excited abouthis book, I love teaching this American Classic!
Remember the marking period ends next Thursday/Friday (depending on what hour you have me) so all three AR books for this marking period should be done by Thursday....latest.

Humanities: Students checked 7.2 guided notes, were introduced to 7.3 and shared current events in class. Homework is to complete 7.3 section assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Today we talked about greatest common factors.  Homework-GCF worksheet # 1 - 3, 7-11.

Algebra (Graham): Everyone should be studying! See the post from January 6 for a copy of the review materials!