Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26

Science: Took notes on speed vs. time graphs and accelerated motion. Homework is Mass vs. Weight worksheet, students need to either make problem solving boxes or write great short answers on the back of the worksheet for each answer. #6 is extra credit. Quizzes will be returned tomorrow, all grades are posted.

Geometry: Completed an investigation relating to midsegments and the 5.1 notes. 5.1 worksheet is homework. Quiz on 5.1-5.4 is Friday.

Spanish I: Make flashcards for the 2.1 vocabulary on page 121

Humanities: Students worked on a daily write (name the 13 English colonies), were introduced to chapter 4 and began to work on 4.1 summaries in class. Homework is to complete 4.1 summaries. Current events are due Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We did an in-class activity on problem solving and equation solving.  No homework.

Algebra: We went over sections 4.1/4.7/3.8 homework today.  We started lesson 4.2.  There is no homework.

Language Arts: Today we discussed chapters 20-23 (the final chapters) of The Giver
and looked at some of the "big ideas" and themes in the novel. Students wrote in their writer's journals (journal entry #20) about what they think the author might be trying to teach us about our
society (journal prompt attached). We then discussed this as a class and made a list of our ideas. Reader's Journal for chapters 20-23 was checked for completion. Homework: Journal entry #21, READ!

Course 3: We finished going over lesson 5.5.  Homework is worksheet 5.5, #1-7,24,26.