Geometry: Completed an investigation relating to midsegments and the 5.1 notes. 5.1 worksheet is homework. Quiz on 5.1-5.4 is Friday.
Spanish I: Make flashcards for the 2.1 vocabulary on page 121
Humanities: Students worked on a daily write (name the 13 English colonies), were
introduced to chapter 4 and began to work on 4.1 summaries in class. Homework is to complete 4.1 summaries. Current events are due Friday.
Pre-Algebra: We did an in-class activity on problem solving and
equation solving. No homework.
Algebra: We went over sections 4.1/4.7/3.8 homework today. We
started lesson 4.2. There is no homework.
Language Arts: Today we discussed chapters 20-23 (the final chapters) of The Giver
and looked at some of the "big ideas" and themes in the novel. Students wrote in their writer's journals (journal entry #20) about what they think the author might be trying to teach us about our
society (journal prompt attached). We then discussed this as a class and made a list of our ideas. Reader's Journal for chapters 20-23 was checked for completion. Homework: Journal entry #21, READ!
Language Arts: Today we discussed chapters 20-23 (the final chapters) of The Giver
and looked at some of the "big ideas" and themes in the novel. Students wrote in their writer's journals (journal entry #20) about what they think the author might be trying to teach us about our
society (journal prompt attached). We then discussed this as a class and made a list of our ideas. Reader's Journal for chapters 20-23 was checked for completion. Homework: Journal entry #21, READ!
Course 3: We finished going over lesson 5.5. Homework is worksheet 5.5,