Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- Discussed chapters 3-5 of The Giver
- RW Day 3 - Paying attention to how characters evolve as a result of their experiences

- Read chapters 6-8
- Free write topic: Using your Venn Diagram from yesterday, write a descriptive paragraph about the similarities and differences between our world and Jonas'.

Important Dates
- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due
- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Geometry- Thursday , October 15

Construction test

Science- Thursday, October 15

Class work: Students used the data collected yesterday from the flat track, uphill and downhill to make motion diagrams.

Homework: Acceleration practice, see science folder for a copy

Canvasser 10.15.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)
Students should read a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math-  Students took their section assessment today
* If you did not turn in your math homework, you can turn it in tomorrow (10.16.15)*