Science: Completed the electricity notes packet. Students worked on their circuit designs. Students were given their testing & revisions log as well as a mini-lesson on the design cycle. Project Due Dates:
- Friday, March 12 Circuit designs approved by Mrs. Petersen.
- Sunday, March 14 Initial alarms complete
- Monday, March 15-18 Testing & Revisions of Alarm @ home, Project Write up in class
- Friday, March 19 Alarm presentation & Write Up due
Geometry: 8.6 notes in class, 8.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 8 test Tuesday.
Course 3: We went over homework. We started notes on lesson 7.8. No homework.
Social Studies: Students reviewed 12.2 and were introduced to 12.3 in class. Homework is to complete 12.3 guided reading.
LA - continued with "The Outsiders". Went over adjectives. HW - Test, worksheets and paper are all due tomorrow.
Journalism - articles. HW - none.