Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18

Science: Began working on the review for the Electricity Test, which is due on Wednesday. Students should also be working on the "What is Safe?" circuit project. Alarms and buzzers are NOT required for this project and students had the opportunity to take lights and wire from Mrs. Petersen last week and can still get these supplies in class today. The only supplies they would require at home are a battery, tape and tin-foil. Thursday, March 21- Test. Friday, March 22 & Monday, March 25 project work days. Tuesday, March 26 final projects are due. 

Geometry: Went over the 9.5 homework and took notes on 9.6 (symmetry). Homework is the 9.6 worksheet. Chapter 9 Test will be Friday.

Spanish I: Study 2.3 vocab (part 2) for a quiz on Thursday, March 21st. The vocab packet that goes with these words is also due the same day. Research Mexican/Spanish food for your menus

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: We began our family budget project.  Students selected their occupation, they picked a city to live in, and they calculated their monthly wages based on the city and occupation. Student loans were also calculated if necessary. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: What is your monthly income before considering your spouse or child support?

Humanities: Students worked on 12.4 section assessment in class.  If finished, students began to work on chapter 12 assessment. 12.4 section assessment is due Tuesday. Chapter 12 assessment is due Wednesday. 

Course 3: Our lesson was on percents and proportions.  Homework is worksheet 7.3, odds.

Pre-Algebra: No homework.  If students would like to re-take chapter 8 test, they must come this week at lunch-room 205.
Algebra: We started exponential growth.  4th and 7th hour no homework.  5th and 6th have the last problem of the notes to finish for homework.