Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17

Science: Students turned in their "How Do Scientists Communicate" labs and we continued to work on getting to know how the CPO timers and photo-gates work. No homework!

Geometry: Quizzes were returned and we went over them. Students may do quiz corrections with explanations for partial credit, quiz corrections are due on Friday. We also completed the 1.6 notes on polygons, 1.6 worksheet is homework. Test on chapter 1 is Monday, September 23. 

Spanish (Tomlinson): re-take of Etapa Preliminar on Friday; test postponed until Wednesday (9/25).  Study flashcards, chapter in book or http://quizlet.com/26370058/etapa-preliminar-vocab-flash-cards/  on quizlet.  Chapter review distributed tomorrow (Wednesday).

C.Reading:  Reading Log due Monday.

Canvassar: Math:  Math packet homework.

Spanish II: Study all the verbs we went over today, for a verb quiz on Tuesday, Sept 24th

French I: Study vocab on pg 45 (the purple section) for a quiz on Monday, Sept 23rd

Algebra:  We have a quiz tomorrow.  It is covering sections 1.1 to 1.4.  We discussed simple interest today.  Homework:  Simple interest problems and review problems for the quiz.

ELA - We continued our study of poetry with Day 3 of our Writer's Workshop Launching Unit.  Students should still be reading every night and writing in their journals. Homework- Read, Journal entry #5

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we began with writing from a journal prompt. Continued with Reader's Workshop Lesson 2, and finished with Independent reading. (I assessed students while reading.) Homework: Bring in magazine or newspaper article for tomorrow. Continue to read from your book of choice.

Course 3: Today we talked about using variable in formulas.  Homework is worksheet 1.6, #1 - 10, and 17.

Humanities: Students observed Constitution Day by discussing some of the more interesting aspects of this important document.  Homework is to study for our Constitution post test. No current event this week.

Pre-Algebra: Today we used a problem solving four-square to work through word problems. We looked for patterns and used what we know about exponents to write a general expression for the pattern. HW: continue practicing powers and exponents by completing the back page (1.2 classwork) of the notes packet