Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, January 17

Science: Students investigated how kinetic energy transfers with the car on the flat track bouncing back and forth off of rubber bands. We then used this to determine the overall efficiency of the system. Homework is to complete the efficiency and work practice.  Energy "Quest" is Wednesday, January 22 and the cross curricular op-ed for language arts is due on Thursday, January 23. 

Geometry: Took the Dilation and Similarity "Quest". Homework is to start reviewing for the midterm. Review for Units 1 & 2 due Tuesday, midterm is Thursday. 

C. Reading:  Logs are due Tuesday.  Don't be late.  Five days need to be complete.

R. Room Math:  Study those multiplication facts (X).

ELA - Students wrote ledes and conclusions for the body paragraphs they wrote this week.  Rough Drafts are due on Tuesday when we get back so we can have a productive Peer Editing session.  Final Drafts are due on Thursday (I will not see any ELA classes on Friday due to the half day).  Tuesday - Jan 21 Rough Draft due, Journals with 54 entries due. Thursday - Jan 23 - Op-Ed Final Draft due, 5 AR quizzes due. Homework: Read, Rough Draft

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Tuesday--AR verb practice sheets. Due Wednesday--2.1 Flashcards (vocab list on p.121 of text). Vocab Quiz-Friday 1/24. Midterm-1/28 and 1/29

Humanities: Students checked 9.2 guided notes and were introduced to 9.3 in class. Homework is to complete 9.3 guided notes for Tuesday. Please remember there is no school on Monday.

Algebra - Midterm!  No homework.  Have a great weekend!

Spanish II: 4.3 vocab quiz next Thursday. MIdterm exam Jan 29 and 30. All study guides are on the blog.

French I: 3.2 vocab quiz next Tuesday. Midterm exam first week of February. First 3 study guides are on the blog.

Course 3: We started our unit on linear equations.  Homework is worksheet 11.1, # 1 - 9.

Pre-Algebra: Students that needed more time finished up their Geometry assessments. I introduced the next unit, which will be an exploration of functions. We also practiced our equation solving skills in preparation for the next unit. No homework

Chinese: We are making correction on Unit 2 quiz as well as review with study guide for mid-term.