Pool Permission slip was due today!
Science: Finished reviewing for the final exam. Final is tomorrow and books are also due tomorrow. Study guide is attached, it is suggested that students study their previous tests and quizzes.
Geometry: Took the second 1/2 of the final exam!
Algebra: Day 1 of Final Exam. Books are due on Thursday or Friday.
Algebra 2: Last day of review before final exam. Books are due on Friday.
Pre Algebra: Review for Chapter 8 test on Friday.
Course 3: Review for end of the year exam. 8th graders on Thursday, 7th graders on Friday.
Social Studies: Students reviewed 19.2 and were introduced to 19.3 in class. 19.3 free choice is due tomorrow. Current events, homework folders and books are due tomorrow.
LA - I let the students study for their finals. If they decided not to take this opportunity a reading and writing assignment was given. HW - none.
Journalism - video on "Careers in Television" HW - none
Career Tech - All projects have been presented. Students are "cleaning up" their H: drives in preparation of High School.
Integrated Tech - Battle Bots will complete the final heat today.....straightening up the Lego cabinet will follow.
Spanish 1: The studetns took part one of the final. Tomorrwo will be part two. We will collect textbooks tomorrow.
Spanish 8: We are finishing our review of basic Spanish.