Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - Wednesday, March 23, 2016


2nd and 3rd Hour: Students finished Investigation 4.

7th Hour: Students worked on 5.1.


2nd and 3rd Hour: None.

7th Hour: Finish 5.1, A-C, on page 80.


Science- Wednesday, March 23

Classwork: Continued investigating pendulums and concepts of cycle & period.

Homework: None, all test re-takes and lab corrections are due before Spring break

Geometry- Thursday, March 23

Classwork: Investigated angle relationships in inscribed quadrilaterals.

Homework: Inscribed quadrilateral handout

Coming Soon: 7.1-7.4 take home quiz tomorrow

Canvasser 3.23.16 UPDATE

RR ELA- Writing sentences are due tomorrow (3.24.16)

Canvasser 3.23.16 Wednesday

RR ELA- Today is the last day to turn in late reading logs! Your new reading log is due Monday (3.28.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( five days a week). Do not forget to complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish week 4 day one workbook pages, if you did not complete them in class. The blue group worked on test corrections.