Geometry: Went over the 9.7 homework and worked on the chapter 9 practice test. Homework is to finish the practice test. Chapter 9 test is Friday.
Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students determined the ages of
their children. Based upon their income and their children, students began
looking for housing for rent or to own. They continued to print out information
to support their findings. Homework: No homework. Discussion topics: How old are your children? How many bedrooms do you need to have in your
Spanish I: Exercises #12,13, &14 pg 156, Study 2.3 vocab (part 2) for a quiz tomorrow. The vocab packet that goes
with these words is also due tomorrow.
Course 3: We did review for our quiz tomorrow.
Tech 8 (Stein): We finished up the brochures and turned them in via Edmodo. We started looking at keyboarding shortcuts.
Course 3: We did review for our quiz tomorrow.
Tech 8 (Stein): We finished up the brochures and turned them in via Edmodo. We started looking at keyboarding shortcuts.
Humanities: Students checked chapter 12 assessment and reviewed the good and bad of
Andrew Jackson. Homework is to study for our "Jackson Quiz." The one question is: "Was
Andrew Jackson a good president? Why?/Why not?" You must provide a minimum of
three supporting details for your argument. Current events are due tomorrow.
Pre-Algebra: We continued our discussion of similar and congruent
figures. Homework: 6.5 (all)-(attached). Students should also be working on their Scale Model
Algebra: We started reviewing today. We did a graphic organizer
to summarize the chapter. Homework is Chapter 8 Practice Test (attached)
ELA - We finished with the sample
common assessment that the District has asked us to pilot. The IRRB -
Informational Reading and Research-Based Argument Essay Writing Performance
Assessment. This may not be made up at home. If students missed Monday,
yesterday or today they will need to come in at lunch to make it up or forgo
the sample all together, it is not critical or graded. It is meant to be a pre
and post test - I will be taking a sample of each class to the next Department
meeting to assess if this is a good indicator of our student's
skills/knowledge.Remember: AR books/quizzes are due Monday,
March 25th. No late submissions this marking period. I am open every lunch for students to work, take AR quizzes, or
read.Homework: READ! Journal