Science: Worked on preparing for data collection for the efficiency lab. No homework.
Geometry: Went over 1st half of the cumulative review. Kitchen work triangle project is due tomorrow. Midterm is January 26 & 27.
Algebra: We went over linear regression and linear correlation. Students used the graphing calculator to produce their linear regression formulas. Homework tonight is 5.7. All chapter 5 homework is due today. Chapter 5 and 6.7 Test is January 26th.
Algebra 2: We went over Chapter 6 Test and the retake is tomorrow at lunch.
Pre Algebra: We went over the Chapter 4 Test and test corrections are due tomorrow. All late work is due on Tuesday, January 26th.
Course 3: Baker- Today we reviewed 6.1-6.3 Quiz as a class. Then we did practice problems. Students have w.s. tonight for homework.
LA - Journal #12 - describe a scene from any sport using the following words somewhere in your story. bounced, struggled, spied, roared, collapsed, giggled. Students took their irregular nouns quiz and homework was collected. Students learned about action and linking verbs. HW - two kinds of verbs packet, due tomorrow. Students should be reading their novels. TKM Ch1-3 and WGTB Ch1 both should be read by Friday.
Journalism - Students went over topic ideas and picked what they wanted to write about for the next addition of the Hawks Nest. January issue will be out on Friday the 22nd. HW - none.
Humanities: Students presented projects in class. Current events due Thursday.
Career Tech - Cover Letter Design Folder due by Jan 26