Monday, March 14, 2016

Stein - Math 8 Plus - 3.14.2016


Students finished Investigation 3 ACE questions. Answers are available at


Look over homework and notes for the quiz on Wednesday.


There is an open-note, partner quiz this Wednesday, March 16. Happy Pi Day!


Ramin - ELA

- Today we started a Historical Fiction unit (Day #1). Students had a choice of novels - they will be reading both in class and at home. A reading schedule for each book has been provided  - please see the ELA Drive folder for reference if needed.

- Read your novel. See reading schedule in journal (or in Drive folder)
- Work on Write In Response Sheet #1

Important Dates
3/17: Write In Response Sheet #1 due - MUST be completed at the beginning of class in order to participate in book club meeting.
4/13: AR Points Due

8th Grade Design

This week students are working on two online courses through Everfi. 
*Vault, sponsored by Mass Mutual, is a course about understanding your money. 
*Venture is teaching students about Entrepreneurial skills. 
These two courses will lend some real world knowledge to our Family Budget project. 

Canvasser 3.14.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today, If you did not turn one in. You can do so tomorrow for late points. New reading logs are due Monday (3.21.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( five days a week). You must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Monday (3.21.16) The math test will be on Tuesday (3.22.16). Your math packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!