Science: Watched "Waves" video. Wave interactions worksheet is homework. Waves quiz is tomorrow.
Geometry: Chapter 10 test, 11.1 notes for homework.
Algebra: Corrected math packet. Study for Chapter 9 Test on Tuesday.
Algebra II: Chapter 11 Test moved to Monday.
Course 3: Took Quarterly Exam. No homework. Austin- We started notes on lesson 9.3 (Pythagorean Theorem). Homework - Lesson 9.3, 1-6, 12-14.
Pre Algebra: Took Quarterly Exam. No homework
LA - Almost done with The Outsiders! Finishing up The New Kid. Grammar - prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. HW - grammar packet due on Monday 4/26.
Journalism - continuing with civil and human rights articles. The rough draft is due Monday 4/26. HW - none.
Spanish 1: We are preparing to go to the media center tomorrow and research what colleges are looking for in their applicants . Also, we are preparing for the oral quiz. Students can either take it tomorrow or on Monday.
Spanish 8: Today in honor of earth day we will be making some environmentally themed posters in Spanish! No homework.
Social Studies: Shared Legacy Day information with students.-Read "A Report to the Massachusetts Legislature" and began to answer questions based on this document in class.-Questions are due tomorrow.