Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday, January 27

Science: Went over the midterm review and the study guide (both of which were posted on Wednesday). Homework is to study for the midterm on Monday!

Geometry: Went over the 7.3 worksheet and encouraged students to remember to at least TRY every problem. I am concerned that students don't look back to the notes that we took on a section (or the section in their book) to help them figure out how to solve problems. All problems on the homework have an example in the notes that will at least help get you started! We then completed the 7.4 notes (special right triangles), 7.4 worksheet FRONT SIDE ONLY is homework. Students were also encouraged to come in at lunch and work on the homework or come in early if they ever have difficulty and want help. ***Reminder, kitchen geometry project is due on Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed the Constitution and began to work on two Constitution worksheets in class. Constitution worksheets are due Monday.

Pre-Algebra: We took a quarterly assessment today.  No homework.

Spanish I: The reading comprehension packet you have been working on this week is due on Monday. The oral quiz will be next Friday, Feb 3rd, or the following Monday, Feb 6th.

ELA - Students had a busy day. first there was a "Fact or Opinion" worksheet to work on. Then they took their first To Kill a Mockingbird quiz, this week was chapters 1-6. Next students expanded on their "unfair" journal entry for their Writer's Workshop.  Homework: Read.

Technology - Mrs. Weiss came in today to start the transition to Berkley High. Former Norup and Anderson students were interviewed on the High School on video. It was interesting to see our students all grown up! Homework: Turn in Practices and Expectations if you haven't yet. Practice on

Algebra (Graham): 4th hour-notes on 7.3. No homework. 7th hour-notes on 7.3. Homework: Systems worksheet (odds only)

Technology (Graham): Mrs. Weiss came in to talk about transitioning to high school.