Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday, May 27

 Final Exam Schedule 
  • Friday, May 29: Spanish II Writing
  • Monday, June 1: Spanish II & Chinese Speaking
  • Tuesday, June 2: Spanish II & Chinese Speaking
  • Wednesday, June 3: Algebra & Chinese Listening
  • Thursday, June 4: Spanish I, French I, French II, Chinese Reading, Algebra & Science
  • Friday, June 5: Spanish I, French I, French II, Chinese Reading & Geometry

Science: Investigation with diffraction glasses to observe what colors are present when viewing varying colors of light and the laser.

Geometry: Began discussing volume by analyzing cross-sections of three dimensional figures. Homework is the cross-section practice.

RR ELA: Read daily. No new log today. Turn in late logs.

RR Math: Test today. Turn in late homework that was not turned in today. JG-E2020

Humanities: Students checked 19.1 and began to work on 19.2 in class. Homework is to complete 19.2 free choice. Chapter 19 test will be on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Today, we looked at how to create slope-intercept equations with the y-intercept and slope given, as well as when two points, one being the y-intercept, given. The notes and homework are available at as well as the answers to yesterday's homework.

ELA - Students finished their study of modifiers with Grammar Chapter 5, Lessons 5 & 6. Each was given a take home quiz due tomorrow, students may use their packet to help clarify any questions. Homework: Grammar Quiz & READ (AR quizzes due June 5th)

Technology - Students were given the hour to catch up on their keyboarding, we will begin our final project in Photoshop when we are able to get back into the lab (M-STEP).

Algebra: We took a partner test today. Review assignment due on Friday