Monday, September 11, 2017

Ramin - Language and Literature 8

Today we began our first Reading Workshop unit. All unit information and resources are posted to Google Classroom.

Important Dates
9/15: "Best Book Ever" video due 
10/9: Reading goals halfway check
11/1: Reading goal points due


Classwork: We reviewed the Energy sheet and puzzles from Friday. Today we started to read and take notes on the Intro to Energy.

Homework: Students should complete the Work/Potential & Kinetic Energy sheet as homework due tomorrow.

Spanish 2

Students began reviewing Unit 1 from last year.

Homework: Ser Review on VHL Central

Countries and Capitals Quiz: Friday

Canvasser 9.11.17 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA-  Students need to have an AR book, supplies, and syllabus by Tuesday ( 9.12.17)

RR Math- The homework packet was passed out today. The homework packet will be due on/before Monday ( 9.25.17) our first math test will be on Monday ( 9.25.17). Students notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools! Signed syllabus and supplies are due Tuesday ( 9.12.17)

LRC- Signed syllabus and supplies are due Tuesday ( 9.12.17)