Friday, February 3, 2017

Ramin - ELA

Students are currently working on their position essays in class. The second round of rough drafts (including introductions and conclusions) should be complete by Monday. Please finish anything you need to over the weekend.

Happy writing! :)

Math 8 - Stone

Today we continued multiplying polynomials and studied patterns. Recognizing the pattern makes multiplying go quicker, you remember you can always rely on "the box".


Spanish 2

Students practiced Unit 7 vocabulary. We will start reflexive verbs on Monday.

Unit 7 Vocab. Quiz: Thursday, February 9


Classwork: We reviewed our discussion about energy transformations from yesterday. We then read about temperature as energy and took notes. Monday/Tuesday of next week we will do an investigation into heat, temperature and conduction.

Coming up: Alternative fuel papers are due via Google Classroom by February 8th. We will have our Energy Quest on February 8th. Students are allowed to use notes (like a quiz) but the score counts as a test. Then students will receive a study guide for the mid-term.

Canvasser 2.3.17 Friday Update

RR ELA- Grammar pg. 35 is due Friday ( 2.10.17)

Canvasser 2.3.17 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday ( 2.6.17) Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math -The red group can complete workbook pages ( week 1, day 3) if not finished in class, the blue group worked on homework and test corrections. The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday ( 2.9.17) the math test will also be on Thursday ( 2.9.17). Students workbooks, homework packet, and notes are great study tools!

* Students need to bring their AR books to class and home daily!*

Have a great weekend!