Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27

Pre-Algebra: I was out today at a math conference.  Students worked on a Chapter Review in preparation for the chapter test which will be on Monday.

Algebra: I was out today at a math conference.  Students worked on a Problem Solving Workshop that was due at the end of the hour and they received a quiz review sheet.  We will have a short quiz tomorrow covering sections 2.1 - 2.3 after we go over the review.

Geometry: I was out at a math conference today, students will get their chapter 1 tests back tomorrow. In class today students took notes on section 2.1 (inductive reasoning), 2.1 worksheet is homework.  We'll be starting proofs this chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Course 3: Today we talked about integers, opposites, and absolute value.  Homework is worksheet 2.1, # 1, 2 - 26 evens, and 28 - 30 all.

Science: I was out today at a math conference, lab corrections will be returned tomorrow. Students did an other jigsaw notetaking on pages 13-17. There is no homework.

Spanish I: Exs 3,4, & 5 pgs 32-33. Due Mon Oct 1

ELA - Students learned about how an ordinary occurrence can be expressed through poetry.  Writer's Workshop Day 3 provided them with a mentor poem which was then split into the Narrative Poetry traits, students then used this mentor poem as inspiration to express themselves through poetry.  Many students shared these poems, it was a good time! We then started Writer's Workshop Day 4 with a discussion on Figurative Language and how to use it to bring more "color" into our writing.  We read a mentor poem by Tupac Shakur and discussed the figurative language he used to express himself. Homework: READ! Study for Vocabulary #2 Quiz. Write Journal Entry #15.
Humanities: Students worked on chapter 2 pre-test in class today. Current events are due Friday. Chapter 2 pre-test is due Monday.

Physical Education: September essay is due tomorrow, Friday, September 28. Click here for a copy of the question.