Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday, December 2

Science: Peer reviewed the "Is the Force With You?" lab today, see yesterday's post for the rubric. Final draft is due on Tuesday, December 6. Unit 2 test is Friday, December 9.

Geometry: Completed the 5.4 notes and did an activity the investigate the Centroid of a triangle. The Chapter 5 quiz was assigned as homework and is due on Monday.

Language Arts: Students wrote in the journals using the following prompts:

- Write some sayings for fortune cookies that you would like to get yourself.
- Invent a game or toy other 8th graders would buy.
- Write about a "moment" of importance to you.
They were given time to read or take an AR Quiz, we then finished our Literary Terms Presentation.

Humanities: Students checked 5.2, were introduced to 5.3 and began to work on 5.3 section assessment in class. Homework folders are due Monday. Chapter 5 test will be Thursday. Study guides will be provided on Monday.

Spanish I: Unit 1.3 test on Monday.

Algebra (Hill): Test Tuesday. Study chapter 4 & section 6.7 notes, homework and book problems are very similar to test problems!!!