Science: Students read and took notes on acceleration. Acceleration homework is due Thursday.
Geometry: Took notes on 4.3 (SSS Triangle Congruence). 4.3 worksheet is homework. Quiz on Monday, November 16.
Algebra - Students finished their exploration of variable manipulation. Homework is 3.8 if not finished in class.
Course 3 - Baker- 3.4 W.S. and a Quest on Friday (3.1-3.4). Austin- We went over tests and homework (3.2). We took a homework quiz. No homework
Pre Algebra - 3.1 In class assignment that is due tomorrow.
Algebra 2 - Students took Ch. 4 Part II Exam. No homework.
LA - Journal #10 - Write about yesterday morning from the perspective of an everyday object or item. (example; shoes, alarm clock, bed). I handed out their research based persuasive essay assignment. Due date is TBD. The rubric and assignment are attached. HW: Make a comparison chart with the criteria. If this is not completed students will not be allowed to use the computers to do their research until this is done.
Journalism - Kim Lifton - Guest speaker who discussed her WOW writing workshop and her career as a journalist. HW - none
Humanities: Students continued to work on KWL for the American Revolution. Current events due Wednesday.
8th Gr Car Tech - Reviewed Bibliography basics - Easy Bib and without it. Internet Scavenger Hunt due Friday - With bibliography.
8th Gr Integrated Tech - WebQuest - Working on Process and creating final product example. LegoRobotic - making kits and reviewing basics.