Science: 4th & 6th hours did investigation 3-1 (Momentum & the 3rd law). All classes will be collecting data for the "Is the Force with you lab?" tomorrow so they must be sure to bring any necessary supplies!
Geometry: Took the quiz on 4.1-4.5. 4.6 notes are homework.
Algebra: Notes for sections 4.1 and 4.7 Coordinate plane and graphing functions. No homework today!!
Social Studies: Students shared current events and concluded an introduction to the American Revolution in class. 6.1 guided reading due tomorrow. Current events due "C" and "F" days.
LA - I only met with hours 2,4,6 today. Students worked on grammar. They had to write the model sentence, imitate the model with the examples given, and then come up with their own sentence to match the model. We discussed the correct answers, and students volunteered to share their sentences with the class.
We then moved on to the "text to text" lesson. Students were to bring their fiction book to class so they could be part of the lesson. We discussed "point of view", what it is, and the different types that are used in novels. We used the Pigman novel as the model. How does the author use point of view, and why did the author choose to develop the characters this way. Students were then asked to write down the point of view that their fiction book was told from, why the author chose this way, and how was it important in developing that character. We will share and discuss tomorrow. HW: reading their A.R. fiction novel, the quiz will be on 12/1.
Tech Rotation 2 - Utilized the online course "Career Forward" to explore some questions students may have regarding their path. This is accessed through the Moodle course. Students were then to post a response on the Moodle Forum