Thursday, October 8, 2015

Science-Thursday, October 8

Class work: Students shared their models of acceleration and constant speed. They then worked on quiz corrections.

Homework: Quiz corrections are due tomorrow .

Discussion starters: Is acceleration always speeding up?

Ramin - ELA - 10/8/15

Students had time to begin publishing their poems today. Final poems are due by Monday.


Students will:

- Submit an electronic version of their poem (with 3 examples of figurative language highlighted) to Google Classroom (Class Codes: 2nd hour: eykgp0 / 6th hour: rxulwn6)

- Submit a hard copy of their poem in class with a colorful illustration/visual.


Geometry-Thursday, October 8

Class work: More practice with segment and angle proofs.

Homework: Finish practice with segment and angle proofs.

Discussion starters: How are students feeling about proofs? If the are still concerned, what steps are the taking to improve?

Canvasser 10.8.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.12.15)
Students are to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 5 days
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
* 2nd math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*
Students may use the homework packet, workbook pages and notes for studying tools.