Science: Began working on the "What is Safe" project. Students brainstormed ideas about alarm circuits, saw examples of past projects, and began planning their circuit. Tomorrow we will be working on research. Students will need to begin building their circuits this week. See time-line below:
March 9 -Circuit Idea and Plan Complete
March 14 - Initial Circuit Built
March 14-21 Work on Perfecting Circuit and Project Write Up
March 21- Testing & Revisions of Alarm complete
Mrch 21- Class Presentation & Write-Up Due
Geometry: Went over 9.2 notes (Properties of Matrices). 9.2 worksheet is homework. This is a brief chapter with only 4 sections. The chapter 9 "Quest" is on Wednesday, March 16.
Pre-Algebra: We took a review test for chapter 5. Chapter 5 test is Friday. Homework-finish practice test.
Social Studies: Students continued to work on projects and shared current events in class. Projects are due Wednesday (tomorrow).
Algebra- Reviewed scientific notation. Did a "Skeeter Activity". No homework!